Sarah Bee drinking tea

Hi waving hand

I am a chartered chemical engineer goggles hard hat diversifying via PhD research at the interface of mechanical engineering turning metal stuff and computer science pc.

I am part of both the University of Sheffield in the Dynamics Research Group and the University of Hull in the Energy and Environment Institute. I am also part of the Aura CDT which specialises in offshore wind energy turbine and the environment earth .

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Research Interests

Having taken the time to develop as an engineer within industry factory , I decided that there are two important elements that I would like to contribute to. Firstly, it is important to me that I can say that I have contributed to a more sustainable future leaf and I believe that working within offshore wind will eventually lead to net-zero emissions in the energy industry lightning . Secondly, I believe that there is a lot of buzz around "Industry 4.0" but there is not a lot of understanding nor substance yet and I think that it will become increasingly important for engineers to be able to use machine learning tools brain toolbox .

My research looks into the structural health monitoring of wind turbines and how we can look at the turbine fleet as a whole to improve damage diagnosis explosion . Currently, I am looking at whether we can use a multi-task Lasso algorithm lasso rope to improve feature selection of laser vibrometer measurements from three aircraft tailplanes flying plane . If this is successful then I will move onto collecting a dataset from wind turbine blades.

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Network Match Maker

match maker print screen

From concept to website, a tool to connect conference delegates with current Aura CDT students based on their interests.

Question of the Conference Video

Question of the conference print screen

From idea to reality, a compilation of interview responses from the Aura CDT student conference 2021.

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Industrial Experience

My favourite subject at school has always been Maths. I knew that I didn’t want to be a Maths teacher or an accountant. I wanted a challenging, yet rewarding job which could offer a career. When I discovered chemical engineering, I went for it, and I’m so glad that I did! My first taste of industry was a yearlong placement at BP Chemicals test tube. I knew that I wanted to be able to get my overalls on and see a manufacturing plant factory.

As a graduate I worked on a biofuels plant wheat. Vivergo Fuels was amazing to learn from. There were so many challenges to face as the plant struggled to reach design production rates. As it was a small company, I got a lot of responsibility from early on and one of my favourite parts was onboarding interns. Nippon Gohsei was another awesome experience. The process was complicated with high risksdynamiteand this meant that the engineering was stimulating. I really enjoyed looking at the precautions required to safely operate the plant hard hat .

Check out my LinkedIn for a technical view on these experiences.

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Quotes to live by

“Do what is right, not what is easy” – I repeated my school motto for 7 years and now I continue to repeat it when I am facing a challenging situation.

"An active mind cannot exist in an inactive body” - It is important to develop both mentally and physically as they complement each other. I enjoy keeping active whether that be playing badminton, netball or squash.

“Treat others as you wish to be treated” – This is a constant reminder of how lucky I am and how there are so many people who need a helping hand. Previously I have raised funds for Dove House Hospice, Andy’s Man Club, Macmillan and Marie Curie to name a few.

“Knowledge is power” – Somebody said this to me in my first full time job after graduation. I thought that he was joking when he wouldn’t tell me the information. There is part of this quote that is missing: “… of which we are all entitled to”. You can make decisions when you have knowledge, which is something that we all have the right to.